Pam Dykema

Growing up in the Midwest town of Galesburg, Illinois, Pam enjoyed arts and crafts but never became serious about any particular medium. Smitten with her first few lessons in watercolor, she was hooked. North Carolina was her next home and it was there that she pursued her newfound interest, learning more and more about light, shadow, color, design, and shape.
Upon moving to Savannah, Georgia in 1996, a real passion for color and design began to grow. "Savannah is like a flower that just keeps opening." Pam relishes being in Savannah to capture the beauty of its historical architecture, seasonal flowers, marshes, waterways, and beaches.
At this time she discovered the Savannah Artist’s Guild. A wonderful group of people working in all mediums and from all walks of life. Pam also pursued taking workshops from local and nationally acclaimed artists such as Rebecca Carrs Willis, Maxine Helmly, Tom Lynch, Joe Miller, and Jim Kosvanic. All this really got the wheels turning.
In the fall of 2001, Pam joined Frances Mills in a studio/gallery for six years in the Franklin Ward South building in the City Market district of historical Savannah. While on the 2nd floor in this acclaimed location Pam assisted in forming "Gallery" 11, a co-op gallery of 12 artists. She also made gallery #9 & #10 her shared space for several years.
Then in 2018 Pam was fortunate enough to find an opening at “Signature Gallery” on the street level of City Market. It only took her 17 years to work her way down the stairs to this beautiful, thriving Gallery and the hustle and bustle of growing Savannah Tourism.
Life remains a blessing for Pam, doing what she loves in a location which offers endless subject matter.
Facebook: Pam’s personal page is Pam Dykema & the other is: Pamella's Prints